Apr 16, 2009

Bad Luck

Beware when in Germany that you don't stumble into bad luck. For instance....

Before taking a sip of wine / beer / beverage when you are out with friends, you must say "Prost" and - this is very important - look into everyones eyes. If you don't, you'll have seven years of bad sex.

If someone should gift you with pearls, they will bring you nothing but tears and sorrow unless you pay them for the gift - even if it is only a dollar - and therefore render it a non-gift and sidestep the curse.

This next one was strongly reiterated to me this week when making plans for Eli's birthday celebrations. His school is closed for a teacher training day on the 24th, his birthday and I wondered if I might bring in treats (standard) the day before to celebrate. A look of horror crossed his teacher's face and she said, very seriously: "No! Never celebrate a birthday beforehand. We will celebrate on the Monday after." Another friend had told me this but, alas, my American brain believes one should celebrate when it is convenient.

Not so here in Germany. Celebrating before your birthday (a special dinner, a gift, a party) will heap bad luck on the special person for the next year. Just. Don't. Do. It.

1 comment:

DADW said...

Are you sure you don't want to stay a couple extra years since you're learning so much about the culture etc etc? Well, at least I've finally learned why I've had bad luck on occasion.. celebrated a few too many b-days ahead of time. DAD